Many bloggers have posted about the arrival of spring, excited about how nature comes to life and the sun shines, so I thought I’d also share some ’springy’ pictures from Finland here, for your enjoyment.

As you can see, spring hasn’t arrived here yet, except according to the calendar and daylight saving time. There’s no sign of spring weather-wise. The only proper indication of spring is, of course, the increasing daylight. There hasn’t been much direct sunlight (although it must be hiding somewhere), but it’s definitely brighter for longer, meaning the evenings are getting later. That’s a good thing, but I really crave the actual sunlight, it’s been constantly so grey. Not long ago, the birds were singing in the mornings, and I thought spring was finally coming, but it turned out differently. We got winter spell. Last friday, it snowed all day, and there were stormy winds. Many had already switched to summer tires, so there were a lot of accidents too. Fortunately, we haven’t done that yet but the weather is still so cool that the snow hasn’t properly melted away yet. 

Lately, I’ve been contemplating the consequences if the media’s mentioned signs of the weakening Gulf Stream come true. I’ve feared the possibility of a very cold climate here. According to Wikipedia such an event likely won’t happen in this century (and they say the global temperature first need to rise 3-5 degrees Celsius before this scenario could even occur.) Some sources suggest that this could happen in the near future.

However climate warming might mitigate the effects of the Gulf Stream weakening. Consequently, the outcome for us in the north could be more or less a plus-minus-zero situation. Perhaps there wouldn’t be significant changes in the weather, or only minor ones, (hopefully not towards colder temperatures).


5 ajatusta artikkelista “SPRING WEATHER IN FINLAND

  1. We have a early spring this year and usually in April we have the same ”spring” like you.🙂❄️ I perfectly know that unstable weather when temperature jumps from plus to minis….. But you have a beautiful spring at home. I love tulips. Stay warm. Your spring will come soon. Perhaps next month 🙂🙋🌺🌞

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