UUNO TURHAPURO (Free coffee)

At today’s door, you’ll get to know the famous character of many films (and some sketches) that Finns love: Uuno Turhapuro. Uuno Turhapuro is played by a successful actor-singer: Vesa-Matti Loiri and Uuno films were made by the deceased comedian Spede Pasanen in 1973-2004. In this funny clip, Uuno visits the bank.

Below is a link to my previous post about Spede where you can read more about this awesome multi-talent.

2 ajatusta artikkelista “ADVENT CALENDAR DOOR 14

  1. Paluuviite: UUNO Helsinki tour – Tanssitytön blogi

  2. Paluuviite: WOMAN’S LOGIC – THE PHONE – Tanssitytön blogi

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