Here is a suitable song to describe my feelings after the worst period of the pandemic (but don’t take the lyrics literally… I’m sure you understand). However, it captures well the anticipation of freedom after a confined life.

This song also fits the theme of my post, which is not about the coronavirus… Let’s say it would be nice to sometimes revisit the past, even just for a visit. But we can’t go back directly, even though the worst time of fear is over and we have largely returned to ”normal” life. We can’t go back to the life as it was earlier. As it was when I was younger and when I had my family around me…


The celebration of Midsummer have been here once again. Looking at it pessimistically, it means that the days will start getting shorter from now on… Well, the positive side is that it happens very slowly, so actually there’s no need to worry just yet…

This Traditional, well-known Finnish chocolate from Porvoo is one of my favorite chocolates. It’s vegan, (so it’s suitable for me and others who cannot consume dairy products) and it melts in your mouth!

As midsummer approaches, I (-once again-) find myself reminiscing about the past. After my birthday (in May), I stumbled upon some old photographs in a yet unpacked moving box. They brought back a rush of emotions. It has been at least 10 years since those photos were taken, most of those even longer. It feels so strange that (almost) all significant events or all the moments since my family was all together… have happened years ago.

Here are some photos from those ”good old days” for you to enjoy.


Gymnastics event: SUN LAHTI 2013

Father when he was young. I clearly have my father’s lips and nose… On the left is his military passport, and on the right is presumably his old ”alcohol permit card” (it has the stamp of ”Alko” on it (-the national retail monopoly for alcoholic beverages in Finland-)). Those was used in Finland in the past. From the end of the post you can read more information.


About the ”alcohol permit card”

The ”viinakortti” (alcohol permit) was an official identification document issued by alcohol retailers in Finland. It was introduced in 1944 and remained in use until the end of 1970. Originally known as ”myymälätodistus” (store certificate) and later as ”henkilötodistus” (personal identification), the card was used to designate buyers to specific stores, aiming to prevent alcohol from reaching the black market and to control sales to potential abusers.

The ”viinakortti” was based on an amendment to the enforcement decree of the Alcohol Act in July 1943. It allowed the restriction of customers to a specific store and the registration of customers and their purchases.

It’s incredible to think that this was still in use just before I was born. Now, after reading that, I feel really old… Even though the ”alcohol permit card” no longer exists, we still have the monopoly of Alko.

As I write this, Midsummer Saturday has already turned into Sunday, but I hope everyone had a pleasant Midsummer!

Yksi ajatus artikkelista “THE GOOD LIFE

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